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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

7:00 p.m.

Magaguadavic Place Community Center


1.Call to Order

2.Adoption of Agenda

3.Conflict of Interest Disclosure

4.Adoption of Minutes of Previous Council Meeting(s)

a.April 17, 2024 – Regular Meeting of Council

b.April 23, 2024 – Closed Meeting of Council

c.May 7, 2024 – Closed Meeting of Council

d.May 8, 2024 – Special Meeting of Council

e.May 8, 2024 – Closed Meeting of Council

5.Business Arising Out of Minutes


a.ECW / Project:Village Car Share

7.Department Reports

a.General Government Report

b.Reports of Southwest NB Service Commission (SNBSC)

i.Building and Planning Report

ii.Dangerous & Unsightly Properties Report

c.Fire Services Report

d.Public Works Report

e.Parks & Recreation Report

f. Other Committee Reports

8. Financial Statement

9.Old Business

a.By-law # EC-12, Building Bylaw

i.Third and Final Reading, by title only

10.New Business

a.Request for Proposals - Housing, Blacks Harbour

i.RFP 2024-02, Mill Street Connors Lane Property

ii.RFP 2024-03, Main Street Mill Stream Property

b.Development Agreements

i.Project:Village, Lewis Connors Lane Project

ii.Project:Village, Willow Court Project

c.Bayside Port - Municipal Representative on Port Board

d.Proclamation: Disability Awareness Week


a.Unit 2531 Army Cadets, Funding request

b.RCAF 100 Dedication Invitation

c.Andie Mason, FMHS, Funding request

d.Family Worship Center Youth, Funding request

12.Public Presentation/Appearances

Please note: Under By-law # EC-01, section 7.i:
“Members of the public shall be entitled to address council, for five (5) minutes with no debate from Council on matters of municipal jurisdiction.”

13.Statements by Members of Council

14.Date & Location of Next Regular Meeting of Council

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at 7:00 pm, at Magaguadavic Place Community Center




Jason N. Gaudet, CAO/Clerk