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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

7:00 p.m.

Magaguadavic Place Community Center


1.Call to Order

2.Adoption of Agenda

3.Conflict of Interest Disclosure

4.Adoption of Minutes of Previous Council Meeting(s)

a.May 15, 2024 – Regular Meeting of Council

b.May 21, 2024 – Closed Meeting of Council

c.June 11, 2024 – Closed Meeting of Council

5.Business Arising Out of Minutes


a.Lorraine Justason, Community Accessibility

7.Department Reports

a.General Government Report

b.Reports of Southwest NB Service Commission (SNBSC)

c.Fire Services Report

d.Public Works Report

e.Parks & Recreation Report

f. Other Committee Reports

8. Financial Statement

9.Old Business

a.By-law # EC-12, Building Bylaw

i.Third and Final Reading, by title only

10.New Business

a.St. George Capital Fund Allocation for 2024

b.Surplus Properties & Assets

c.Provincial-Municipal Highway Partnership (PMHP) – Route 176, Blacks Harbour

d.Emergency Management Plan

e.Bylaw # Z.2.4, Amending the Rural Plan for the Village of Blacks Harbour

i.First Reading, by Title Only

ii.Second Reading, in its Entirety (if applicable)

iii.Request the Views of the PRAC (if applicable)

iv.Schedule a Public Hearing (if applicable)

f.Bylaw # Z.2.5, Amending the Rural Plan for the Village of Blacks Harbour

i.First Reading, by Title Only

ii.Second Reading, in its Entirety (if applicable)

iii.Request the Views of the PRAC (if applicable)

iv.Schedule a Public Hearing (if applicable)


a.Around the Loop Group (Back Bay), funding request

b.Letter from RCAFA – Pennfield Ridge Memorial

12.Public Presentation/Appearances

Please note: Under By-law # EC-01, section 7.i:
“Members of the public shall be entitled to address council, for five (5) minutes with no debate from Council on matters of municipal jurisdiction.”

13.Statements by Members of Council

14.Date & Location of Next Regular Meeting of Council

Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at 7:00 pm, at Magaguadavic Place Community Center




Jason N. Gaudet, CAO/Clerk