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Monday ~ Friday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
(Excluding Holidays)

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RFP: Garbage Collection and Disposal Service

Town of St. George
Invite – Request for Proposal
Garbage Collection and Disposal Service
Sealed Tenders marked “Garbage Collection and Disposal Service” will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 pm local time on December 14th, 2018 for the disposal of the following on a weekly basis, excluding recyclable collection week:

  • Household garbage (single family, apartment buildings, senior housing complexes and seasonal dwellings).
  • Loose refuse in boxes or bags not exceeding 50 lbs. in weight
  • Lumber, tree cuttings not to exceed 4 feet in length and 50 lbs in weight
  • Household furnishing, appliances, etc. in manageable size
  • Municipal garbage from works department.
  • Less than 700 households.

The contract shall be a five (5) year term beginning in January 2019 and terminating on December 31st, 2024.  All garbage must be transported to Hemlock Knoll Landfill.

The Mayor & Council reserve the right not to accept the lowest or any tender.

Town of St. George
1 School Street
St. George, NB   E5C 3N2
Attn:  Jason N. Gaudet, CAO

If you have any questions, please call 506-755-4320