Hours of Operation

Monday ~ Friday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
(Excluding Holidays)

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By-Laws & Policies

Documents on this page are provided in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Click here to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Section 10 of the Local Governance Act (SNB 2017, c 18) provides for a municipality to enact bylaws, and Section 12 adds, “Except as otherwise provided, a by-law under this Act may be general or specific in its application and may differentiate in any way and on any basis a local government considers appropriate.”

Bylaws of the Town of St. George and the Village of Blacks Harbour remain active within their respective boundaries until they are replaced by a new bylaw under Eastern Charlotte.

EC-01Proceedings of Council
EC-02Code of Conduct
EC-03Remuneration of Council
EC-04Corporate Seal
EC-05Dangerous or Unsightly Premises
EC-06All-Terrain Vehicles on Municipal Roads
EC-07Streets & Traffic in St. George
EC-08Respecting the Fire Department
EC-09Respecting Remuneration of Firefighters
EC-10Planning Fees
EC-11Peddlers Bylaw
Peddler / Transient Trader Application
EC-13Dog Control Bylaw

Rural Areas (2023+)

20-PEN-010-02A By-Law to Amend Regulation 20-Pen-010-01, being the Rural Plan for the Pennfield and Beaver Harbour Planning Area

Bylaws in Process


The following bylaws remain active within their jurisdictional boundaries until they are replaced by a new bylaw under Eastern Charlotte.


Policies are internal documents directing employees of the municipality.

01-2023Human Resource Policy
02-2023Social Media Policy
04-2023Liability & Damage Claims Policy
05-2023Municipal Buildings & Spaces

The following policies remain active within their jurisdictional boundaries until they are replaced by a new policy under Eastern Charlotte.