The Memorials Program is open to anyone who would like to place a bench (or tree, available soon) in memory of a special person, event, or memory.
Note: The municipality is limited to placing memorials on municipal-owned lands and roads. As such, placements are currently limited to the boundaries of the former Village of Blacks Harbour and Town of St. George.
Place a Memorial Bench in a local park or community space.
• Applicant Cost: $2,500* (Eastern Charlotte covers the remainder)
• Includes a zinc engraving plate of up to four (4) lines of engraved text (plate size: 2″ x 10″ x 3/8″).
• Bench will be located on a concrete pad or sidewalk.
• Benches and plaques are under warranty for two (2) years.
• Agreements will be in place for a period of ten (10) years with an option to renew.
• The municipality reserves the right to move the bench(es) if necessary.
• The municipality may limit the number of benches purchased in a calendar year.

Bench Details
• DuMor Curved Aluminum Bench
• Steel Seat
• Two (2) Arm Rests
• Length: 6 feet
* Updated: 12 June 2024
Choose to plant a Memorial Tree, with or without a plaque.
• Applicant Cost based on the type of tree.
• Personalized plaque on stand = Additional $350.
• Trees are under warranty for two (2) years and the municipality will be responsible for replacing it during that time.
• The municipality is responsible for overall maintenance of the Tree over the course of its life cycle.
• Plaque will be installed beside the Tree on a 24-inch rod for visibility.
• Engraving includes full name, year of birth to year of death, and name(s) of those placing the Tree. Additional design requests may result in additional cost.
• Will be maintained for two (2) years at no additional cost, after which responsibility of plaque is to the original purchaser
• Please advise of two (2) preferred locations on Municipal or public lands.
• Final location of Memorial Trees is at the discretion of Council and the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).
Memorials Program Application
Memorial Trees are placed twice each year, once in the Spring and once in the Fall. To have your tree installed during the current calendar year, please complete an application by February 1 for the Spring deadline or August 1 for the Fall deadline.
Memorial Benches are placed annually between May 1 and July 31. To have your bench installed during the current calendar year, please complete an application by March 1.
Click here to download a fillable, printable version of the application, or complete the online form below.