Hours of Operation

Monday ~ Friday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
(Excluding Holidays)

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Council Meeting to Stream Online

The next Regular Meeting of Council will take place on Tuesday, April 14, at 7:00 pm. We will be using Zoom between the Councillors and broadcasting to YouTube on our new Channel.

To view the meeting, visit our YouTube channel anytime between now and the meeting and click [Subscribe] to be notified when the stream starts. Or click the link above and watch for the stream to begin.

(We have left two of our test videos online to show you have the proper link.)

This will be our first full run at using the combination of Zoom and YouTube for a meeting with the public. Please be patient as we learn the ins and outs and do our best to maintain this essential element of local government.

Please choose to subscribe to our YouTube channel. The more subscribers we have, the more options we have to customize and improve the channel.