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Traffic Advisory: Main Street Resurfacing (Updated OCT 2)

[ NOTE: Latest Updates at Bottom ]

Galbraith Construction will be resurfacing Main Street with a planned start date of Monday, October 5, 2020, and will take approximately three (3) weeks to complete, weather permitting.

Work will be completed in two locations: (1) between Portage Street and L’Etete Road; and, (2) between L’Etete Road and J.O. Spinney Drive. In general, the project involves localized concrete curb / sidewalk repairs, manhole cover adjustments and asphalt resurfacing.

Main Street will remain accessible through most of the project. Full closure will only occur during paving, likely to take place near the end of the timeline. At that time it is recommended patrons of Main Street businesses access parking via Carleton Street to Clinch Street.

Main Street resurfacing will occur from Portage Street to J.O. Spinney Drive.

We will post updates on this post as information present. Find this page easily by creating a Bookmark for this page in your web browser.

UPDATE: October 2

Beginning Monday, October 5, traffic from Portage will be redirected past Main Street and then up Carleton Street. Local access to businesses will be allowed with a flagger on the L’Etete Road end of Main Street. Main Street will be one-way towards Portage during this portion of curb work and milling.

Main Street will be one-way from L’Etete Rd to Portage St, with a flagger directing traffic.