Hours of Operation

Monday ~ Friday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
(Excluding Holidays)

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Drop Off Location For

Main Street Pole Decorating

Part of the holiday season is seeing the decorations go up on the lamp posts down Main Street, from the Post Office to Chapel Corner (Riverview Drive intersection).

The Town invites you, your club, business, family, or other group, to come down and decorate a pole this year. The only requirement we ask of you is to include the word “HOPE” somewhere on your pole, large or small.

If you would like to decorate a pole, please check the list of locations below. The “Decorated By” column will be updated during business hours as information changes. Please do not decorate a pole prior to confirming your pole number with the Town office (755-4320, ext. 100; or email).

Every other pole has power, which you can see by the light strings the Town has added to the poles. If you decorate a pole with power you are welcome to add to the lighting, but the Town light strings must remain when your decorations come down in the new year.

  • = pole with electricity and lights
  • * = Business to confirm

0Across from Post OfficeKatie McGee
1⚡Fundy LawKC Home Church
2Beige Building (Old Boyd Bros.)St. George Funeral Home
3⚡Charlotte County Adult LearningCharlotte County Adult Learning
4Pete’s Dairy Bar
5⚡Jones HouseMowi
7⚡Groom Insurance
8Multicultural AssociationMulticultural Association
9⚡St. George InsuranceSt. George Insurance
10Country Market
11⚡Baptist ChurchBaptist Church
12Parking Spot
14Not Just BacksNot Just Backs
15⚡Silk StevensSilk Stevens
18Pub On Main Parking Lot
19⚡Pub On MainPub On Main
20Barber / ABLE BuildingShannon Moore
21⚡Terry’s BeefTerry’s Beef*
22Sidewalk Bench (in front of Terry’s)
23⚡House Driveway
24Driveway (Old Texaco)
26Corner (Main/Riverview)
27⚡Riverview Avenue
Last updated: 30 November, 1:45 PM