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Southwest New Brunswick 2020 Municipal Housing Study

A recently completed study details how Southwest New Brunswick communities, including St. George, are meeting housing needs for renters and buyers.

The report examines the vacancy rate, cost of housing, the state of housing, and other factors, for both renters and buyers. It was completed by a working group made of various healthcare, infrastructure, and community wellness organizations.

Here is an explanation of the project from the working group’s website:

One of the greatest issues in many of the municipalities is a lack of quality and affordable rental housing. Not only does this cause issues for existing residents, it means that many of the otherwise thriving local businesses and industries struggle to attract and retain employees.

To address this growing issue, a working group has formed to research, strategize, and offer support to stakeholders so that more appropriate housing can be developed.


On Friday, February 19, CBC Radio’s Information Morning in Saint John hosted Xander Gopen, a Planner with the Southwest New Brunswick Service Commission (SNBSC), to discuss the housing report. Click here to listen to the segment.

The report is also available online at swnb-housing.ca. There you can read the full report (91 pages), or look at a breakdown of information for each community in the study.