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Construction Notice: Production Well #6 ~ Riverview Avenue

This letter is to notify local residents that the Town of St. George, through our Engineering Consultant, CBCL Limited and contractor, Fairville Construction Ltd., is planning to begin construction on the above-noted improvement project.

The location of the work will be on Riverview Avenue on the vacant lot across from Civic #75 Riverview Avenue. In general, the project involves the installation of a new well building and associated water piping for a new municipal drinking water production well. The work will include all site restoration of asphalt, concrete curb / sidewalk and landscaping as required.

The contractor will be responsible to have the appropriate traffic control in place as required throughout the project.

The work is scheduled to begin April 6, 2021, with an anticipated completion date of August 31, 2021. 

The Town of St. George apologizes for any inconvenience this work may cause. If you have any inquiries or concerns regarding the above-mentioned project, please feel free to contact the Town at 755-4320.


Jason N. Gaudet, CAO