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NOTICE: Public Hearing on Proposed By-law 25-B-2203


Take notice that the Council of the Town of St. George, in compliance with Section 111 of the Community Planning Act of the Province of New Brunswick, intends to hold a public hearing of objections on Monday, July 11, 2022, at 6:30 pm, at Magaguadavic Place, 11 J.O. Spinney St, St. George, to hear objections and/or comments pursuant to the proposed By-law 25-B-22-3.

The Town of St. George has received an application to REZONE PIDs 01316116 and 01314160, (15 Carleton St.) from the R2 (Residential Mix) Zone to the R3 (Multiple Unit Residential) Zone for the purpose of an 8-unit apartment building.

Anyone wishing to offer opinion on this proposed By-law may do so in person at the hearing of objections meeting or in writing by dropping off your letter during regular business hours in the office of the Clerk of the Town of St. George at the Municipal Office, 1 School Street, St. George, before Noon on Monday, July 11, 2022. A letter may also be sent by email to [email protected]. A copy of proposed By-law may be inspected at the Municipal Office where business hours are from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.

A draft of the Bylaw Amendment is also available on By-Laws and Policies page.