Hours of Operation

Monday ~ Friday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
(Excluding Holidays)

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Dog Registration Services

Drop Off Location For

Area-Wide Yard Sale

Open your garage doors, pull out your tables, and get your little stickers ready. It is time for the annual yard sale, and this year it is super-sized.

We are inviting residents across Eastern Charlotte to mark their calendars for Saturday, June 3rd.

For the early birds, we are suggesting an 8:00 a.m. start time, and we ask that you remain open until at least 12:00 p.m.

Please be respectful of individuals using masks, social distancing, and/or hand sanitizers.

Get on the list

If you would like to add your yard/garage sale location to our list, please contact the Municipal Office through our online Contact Form, by phone (506-755-4320), or by email ([email protected]). Please let us know the civic address, start time (if different from above), and name of your community (St. George, Blacks Harbour, Pennfield, etc.).

Locations by Community

Beaver Harbour

502 Main Street

Blacks Harbour

432 Main Street


177 Munroe Road

St. George

Magaguadavic Place Community Center
(11 J.O. Spinney Drive)
6 Tables Remaining (8 tables available)
27 Harvest Lane
4 Marsh Lanebehind Granite Town Farms
St. George Curling Club13 Marsh Lane
Cornerstone Tabernacle33 Marsh Lane
4 North Street
13 Carleton Street
17 Clinch Street
15 Adventure Lane
26 Prince William Street
31 Prince William Street
22 Armstrong CrescentCancelled
63 L’etete Road (Deb’s Flowers)
74 L’Etete Road
81 Main StreetStarts at 8:30 am
130 Main Street
Family Worship Center
(89 Mt. Pleasant Road)
Youth group fundraiser

Upper Letang

3 Lakeview Estates Road


29 Johnson Lane
29 Mainline Road2 family yard sale