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Monday ~ Friday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
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New Community Alert System Launch

In times of crisis it is important that residents have access to trusted, timely and accurate information to ensure their own safety and that of their family and loved ones. In response to this need, Eastern Charlotte has chosen Voyent Alert! as the communication service provider for these kinds of events.


This Spring the municipality was informed that Sentinel Systems Ltd would be ending their service on May 31, 2023. Staff of the former Village of Blacks Harbour and Town of St. George were actively using the system to notify residents of water breaks, boil orders, and other high risk alerts. Voyent Alert was chosen by Eastern Charlotte to replace Sentinel due to its ease of use and highly detailed, easy to read alerts.

Voyent Alert! is a multi-purpose communication service provided to keep you informed of critical events like fires or floods, as well as day-to-day communications such as road maintenance and closures, water advisories, etc.

Example of a Boil Water Advisory alert on a smartphone.

Add Multiple Locations

One of the great features of Voyent Alert! is the ability to have multiple “pins” on the same account. This means you can set your work location, home location, vacation spot, the home of family member, and more. You can even set locations in other cities and provinces.

Every time an alert is issued a geographical area is attached to it. If any of your locations falls within the alert area, you will receive a notification.

Getting Started

To help you get started, and as a reference point for live alerts, we have created a new page for the website, www.easterncharlotte.ca/alerts.

Everything you need to know to register and begin receiving alerts is on the Alerts page. There are links to download the Voyent Alert! app for your preferred smartphone device. If you do not have a smartphone, you can choose to receive text messages, emails, or phone calls when alerts go out.

Please note, even if you were registered with the Sentinel alert system, you will need to create a new account with Voyent Alert.

For more information, read through the Voyent Alert! FAQ (frequently asked questions).

Eastern Charlotte is proud to partner with Voyent Alert! for our communication needs.

Sign up now to start receiving alerts.