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Monday ~ Friday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
(Excluding Holidays)

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Regarding Blacks Harbour Water Complaints

The Eastern Charlotte Municipal Office has received messages and phone calls in recent days with complaints about the Blacks Harbour water system, generally regarding discoloration of the water.

Public Works continues to test the water daily, and results are within parameters set by Public Health.

The following steps are recommended as a follow-up to the water issue and repairs over the summer.

  • Replace filters. Filters should be replaced for any water filtration system in your home, including a refrigerator water dispenser filter.
  • Drain water heaters. Tank water heaters should be drained from the lowest point and allowed to refill.

If you continue to experience problems with the water, please contact the Municipal Office at 506-755-4320.

Eastern Charlotte is monitoring the situation closely. If there any changes to the situation the public will be notified on our website, through social media, and the Voyent Alert system.