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Blacks Harbour Water Users: Rate change effect on discounted payments

According to Blacks Harbour Bylaw 92-59, Water and Sewerage users in the Blacks Harbour system receive a 15 percent discount when their bill is paid in full within 30 days of the billing date.

The discounted amount has changed for 2024.

Previously, Blacks Harbour users with both water and sewage were billed $162 three times during the year. For 2024 the installment amount is now $165.33. This means the discounted amount in 2024 is $140.53, an increase from $137.70 in 2023.

In order to receive the discount and a zero balance for your account, the amount paid must be $140.53. If the amount of $137.70 is paid, the full bill of $165.33 applies, and a balance of $27.63 will remain on the account.

If you are paying your bill online, please be sure to update your bill pay to $140.53. If you have already paid $137.70 online, please make an additional payment of $2.83 to avoid carrying over the 15 percent you are trying to save.

Blacks Harbour water system customers receiving only water or sewerage (not both) services will receive a billing amount of $97.50 three times during the year. The discounted amount for these users is $82.88.

Customers paying cash at the Municipal Office will be charged a rounded amount at the window ($140.55 or $82.90). The extra cents from doing so will be applied as a prepayment to your next billing cycle. For additional information regarding increases to Water and Sewerage rates for 2024, click here read the recent News Release, “Budget Approved for 2024”.