Council unanimously approved a letter to the Hon. Mary Wilson, Minister of Service New Brunswick, in an effort by municipalities to join forces in calling for municipal fiscal reform.
In March, Dan Murphy, Executive Director of the Union of the Municipalities of New Brunswick (UMNB), sent a message to mayors, chief executive officers and clerks throughout the province advising them Andrew Black, President of UMNB, sent a letter to Provincial leaders “addressing the insert that was included in the property tax bills”.

Though it was believed the intent was public education regarding taxes, the insert appeared “to shift the blame to municipalities” for increased tax rates. Mr. Murphy’s requested municipalities “add your voice” to the call for a new “fiscal framework” for local governments in New Brunswick, and provided a template letter.
On March 20, 2024, during the regular monthly meeting of Council in Eastern Charlotte, Mayor John Craig read aloud a version of the letter to Minister Wilson, which Council was quick to support.