Take notice that the Council of Eastern Charlotte, in compliance with Section 111 of the Community Planning Act of the Province of New Brunswick, intends to hold a public hearing of objections on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2025 at 6:30 pm at MAGAGUADAVIC PLACE COMMUNITY CENTER (11 J.O. Spinney Drive, St. George) to hear objections and/or comments pursuant to the proposed By-law 20-PEN-010-02, a by-law to amend the Pennfield & Beaver Harbour Planning Area Rural Plan Regulation.
The Municipality of Eastern Charlotte has received an application to REZONE PID 15208804 (22 Route 176, Pennfield) from the RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE (RR) to MIXED USE ZONE (MU), for the purpose of operating a food truck.
Anyone wishing to offer opinion on this proposed By-law may do so in person at the hearing, or in writing by dropping off your letter during regular business hours in the office of the Clerk of Eastern Charlotte at the Municipal Office (1 School Street, St. George), before Noon on January 15, 2025. A letter may also be sent by email to [email protected].
A copy of the proposed By-law may be inspected on the By-Laws & Policies page of this website, or in-person at the Municipal Office, 1 School Street, St. George, where business hours are from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday (except holidays).