Latest News
Town of St. George Municipal Plan Approved by Minister’s Office
The Town of St. George Municipal Plan (2022) has completed Provincial level steps of approval and registration.
Public Hearing: Proposed Bylaw EC-10, Planning Fees Bylaw
Council intends to hold a public hearing on Wed, Dec 13 2023 at 6:30 pm at Magaguadavic Place to hear objections and/or comments pursuant to proposed By-law# EC-10, Planning Fees Bylaw.
For Sale: Day Adventure Center Buildings (Tender 2023-07)
Effective Wednesday, November 1, 2023, Eastern Charlotte is accepting bids to purchase and remove the buildings from the former Day Adventure Center in the community of St. George.
Regarding Blacks Harbour Water Complaints
The Municipal Office has received messages and phone calls with complaints about the Blacks Harbour water system.