Latest News
For Sale: 1992 Ford Econoline 350 FM Cutaway Van; Used (Tender 2023-06-A)
Effective Tuesday, September 5, 2023, Eastern Charlotte is accepting bids to purchase our used 1992 Ford Econoline 350 FM Cutaway Van.
BOIL ORDER LIFTED: Blacks Harbour & Beaver Harbour (UPDATED 9/5)
The Boil Order affecting residents and businesses in Blacks Harbour and Beaver Harbour has been lifted by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health (Public Health).
New Community Alert System Launch
Eastern Charlotte has partnered with Voyent Alert! to provide alerts for critical events and day-to-day advisories.
News Release: Announcement of New Fire Chief of Eastern Charlotte Fire Rescue
At the Regular Monthly meeting of the Council on June 21, Council unanimously appointed Justin W. Johnston as the first full-time Fire Chief in Eastern Charlotte.