Hours of Operation

Monday ~ Friday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
(Excluding Holidays)

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Budget & Financial Statements

The municipality of Eastern Charlotte makes the following documents available for public information.

Budgets are available once approved and removed after the close of the applicable calendar year. Financial Statements are available online for the previous five (5) years.

Online documents are provided in Adobe PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view, available here for free.

Eastern Charlotte (2023 onward)

2023Budget (PDF) Financial Statement* (PDF)
2024Budget (PDF) Financial Statement* (PDF)

* Auditor Statements are prepared within the first six (6) months after the completion of the year reported, and must be received and approved by Council prior to appearing on this page.

Annual Financial Statements (prior to 2023)

Town of St. George

2022Financial Statement (PDF)
2021Financial Statement (PDF)
2020Financial Statement (PDF)
2019Financial Statement (PDF)
2018Financial Statement (PDF)

Village of Blacks Harbour

2022Financial Statement (PDF)
2021Financial Statement (PDF)
2020Financial Statement (PDF)
2019Financial Statement (PDF)
2018Financial Statement (PDF)